Military Records:
Roster of Iowa Soldiers [index on microfilm, books on microfilm, rare books: 977.7/ROS] for those who served from Iowa in the Civil War, as well as an index to the membership cards of the Grand Army of the Republic, the veteran's group of union soldiers of the late 1800's and early 1900's [on microfilm].
The Rolls of Honor [973.76/QUA] recently reprinted, has the names of soldiers who died in that war, and the name of the National Cemetery in which they are buried.
World War I draft cards from Iowa and Indiana are on microfilm. They contain birth date, age, occupation, and next of kin. As most of these men were born before the turn of the century, there are often no birth records for them. There are also Militia Rolls which began in Iowa about 1862, and continued until about 1910, filed by county
Iowa Old Age Assistance Records, which were a head tax for land owners compiled by the county assessor for the years 1934 to 1937. [on microfilm]
The Iowa National Guard Enlistment Records are a record of those men who enlisted in the Iowa National Guard between the years 1900 & 1940. Most records include: