German Interest Group (GIG): This meeting occurs on most first Mondays of every month at IGS, and it’s free to members. Please check the schedule below for date changes and information regarding whether the meetings will be offered on zoom as well as in person..
This meeting gives attendees the opportunity to share knowledge about German research. You will find experienced researchers, translators, and travelers with extensive personal knowledge of the various regions in Germany.
To receive reminders and handouts regarding our meetings contact the front desk at IGS and ask to be added to our email list. 515-276-0287
Monday March 3rd -7:00 PM. Traveling to Germany with Verlaine. Verlaine Schlueter Ockenfels, a member of IGS and our German SIG, traveled to Germany and will be sharing with us information regarding Kaltenhouse, France - located in the Alsace Lorraine area; Mainroth, Germany- located in Bavaria and Stuttgart, Germany. She will also be sharing about a couple of archives with records from these areas. This meeting will be in person and on zoom.