Membership Benefits

Membership web access runs for 12 months from day of joining
Web access to Cemetery Records, Funeral Home Records, Obituaries, and more spreadsheets and databases as they are entered
Free access to IGS research facility

Free access to FamilySearch affiliate records and Ancestry Library Edition when in the IGS library

Bimonthly newsletter
Free queries in Hawkeye Heritage

Discounts on classes, conferences, and research fees
Annual spring and fall conferences with lectures and workshops

Networking opportunities

Email notification of upcoming events and classes

Access to genealogical interest groups
Preservation of genealogical and family history records for future generations


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The site is powered by Yahoo!, so you’ll get the same quality search results that you’re used to. What’s unique is that they have developed a way to direct money to IGS (when selected in the second dropdown box) with every click.
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